Título del Portal
Ruta del Portal
Propiedades Tema y Diseño
Enter the name of logo file here. The logo will be searched in your portal dir. For the default portal is (~/_Appleseed).Logo
Specify the site level page layout here.Page layout
Specify the site level theme here.Tema Principal
Specify the site level alternate theme here.Alternate theme
Select to allow Custom Theme to be set on Modules.Allow Module Custom Themes?
Select to ignore extra scripts from ~/Scripts/Scripts.xml.Ignore extra scripts from xml?
Características de Cultura
This is a list of the languages that the site will support. You can select multiples languages by pressing shift in your keyboardLanguage list
This is the default language for the site.Default Language
Allows you to enter a DOCTYPE string which will be inserted as the first line of the HTML output page (i.e. above the <html> element). Use this to force Quirks or Standards mode, particularly in IE. See <a href="http://gutfeldt.ch/matthias/articles/doctypeswitch/table.html" target="_blank">here</a> for details. NOTE: Appleseed.Zen requires a setting that guarantees Standards mode on all browsers.DOCTYPE string
Allows you to enter a default tab / page title (Shows at the top of your browser).Page title
This setting is to help with search engine optimisation. Enter 1-15 Default Keywords that represent what your site is about.Page keywords
This setting is to help with search engine optimisation. Enter a default description (Not too long though. 1 paragraph is enough) that describes your portal.Page description
Every time your browser returns a page it looks to see what format it is retrieving. This allows you to specify the default content type.Page encoding
This setting allows you to enter new tags into the Tab / Page's HEAD Tag. As an example we have added a portal tag to identify the version, but you could have a meta refresh tag or something else like a css reference instead.Default Additional Meta Tag Entries
This setting can be used by a module or by a control. It allows you to define a common message for the entire portal e.g. Welcome to x portal! This can be used for search engine optimisation. It allows you to define a keyword rich phrase to be used throughout your portal.Default Page Keyphrase
Allows you to enter a string which will be inserted within the <body> element, e.g. leftmargin="0" bottommargin="0", etc. NOTE: not advisable to use this to inject onload() function calls as there is a programmatic function for that. NOTE also that is your CSS is well sorted you should not need anything here.<body> attributes
Allows you get the tracker, with this can view the statistics of your site.Google-Analytics Code
Allows you to use custom vars to track members, authenticated users and their domain names.Use Google-Analytics Custom Vars?
Indicate the site url for an alternative way.Alternative site url
Username for AddThis sharing and tracking.AddThis Username
Allows you create a chat. Need an acount on SnapEngage.SnapEngage code
Información varia
Check to show by whom the module is last modified.Show modified by
This Editor is used by workflow and is the default for new modules.Default Editor
Default Editor WidthEditor Width
Default Editor HeightEditor Height
Only used if Editor is ActiveUp HtmlTextBoxUpload?
Set the default image folder used by Current EditorDefault Image Folder

Check to show the arrows in the module title to move modules.Show module arrows
Check to make deleted modules go to the recycler instead of permanently deleting them.Use Recycle Bin for Deleted Modules
Check to show Full detail Error Message when showing error.Show Detail Error Message
Grabar Cambios
Couldn´t load module
Módulos de Usuario
AgileTravel - Package - Custom Listado
AgileTravel - Package - Vista
Módulos Administrativos
Manage Users
Module Definitions
Site Settings